Thursday, 15 September 2011

Colonel Blimp's Academy

One of Gove's more hare-brained schemes (and there is a lot of
competition) is to have a free school run by army officers with no
training in education. This will teach the 'feral youth' to behave of

Let us remember James Collinson, 17, Geoff Gray, 17, Sean Benton, 20,
and Cheryl James, 18. They all died from gunshot wounds in unexplained
incidents at Deepcut Barracks. Altogether there were 100 allegations
of sexual abuse and bullying at Deepcut. The police investigation was
deeply flawed because the military closed ranks.

The Commons Defence Select Committee report accused the Army of
failing in its handling of bullying.

The Adult Learning Inspectorate said the armed forces' own data showed
about one in 10 military personnel suffered bullying or harassment.

"Much of this is condoned as 'traditional', even though it is
officially forbidden," it said.

"The newest recruits, women and people from minority ethnic groups are
particularly vulnerable."

Still Gove will claim this is all in the past and couldn't possibly
happen in the future. To quote Mandy Rice Davies, "he would say that
wouldn't he?"

So send your children to Colonel Blimp's Academy. It'll toughen them up.

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