Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Lobby Millionaire Maude - pension pincher 21 April 11 am Horsham Railway Station

As part of the on-going battle to stop the government public sector pensions robbery PCS are organising lobbies of key MPs in the coalition.

This Saturday 21st April a group are travelling up to Horsham to pensions axe-man Francis Maude constituency.

Assemble at the Horsham Railway Station at 11 am

PCS are very keen to encourage delegations from all unions involved in the battle to join them and bring a branch banner.

A coach is going from Brighton at 9:15am via Worthing to Horsham. The coach leaves 9.15am St Peters Church, York Place, Brighton.

You are welcome to just turn up but if you can let Kev Dale know in advance how many seats you need email kev.dale10@gmail.com

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